Free shipping over 100€ within Greece - Worldwide over 250€

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Have you received something you want to return or exchange? Wrong size or the garment doesn’t look as gorgeous as you thought it would? No worries! You can return with a full refund or exchange your garment for a different size or colour of the same garment within 7 days of receipt of the original order (14 days for international orders). For money refund you have to inform us the same day that you received and within 2 days the garment must be given to the courier company.

*As for the refunds within Greece, the amount of 9 euros
will be deducted from the refund due to transport costs and
**Regarding international shipments, the shipping cost depends on the region and can range from €12 to €25
***if the customer has no cooperation with the Eurobank of Ethniki  bank will be charged entirely for the bank's expenses.


Please Note Sale and Bazaar garments can not be refunded.